Sunday, December 21, 2008

note to band.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


The december audition date is on the 8th of DECEMBER. Please inform us if u want a slot and we will get back to you ASAP! The bands that have not send in their band's information, could you please do so soon?

Also, on the other hand, if you already had the auditions with us and you feel like you want to do something more. You can invite us to your next jamming session or you could post a video up on youtube and make it private, maybe? Add us as a friend by visiting our channel.

To those who wants the video recording from us, the audition one.. You guys can get it back with a small amount of fee. Actually, it's free. =) Just drop us an email or when you see any of us online just inform us, and we will pass it to you ASAP, kayz?

I am putting this in bolded and PINK font is hoping that you guys will read this and remember it. When we say a DIFFERENT GENRE we mean it. We mean something OTHER than typical rock. Normal songs meaning, paramore, all the small things, dirty little secrets, american idiot, boys like girl. You could try maybe something from, The Cab? or maybe something totally different like going backwards in time to Bee Gees and MLTR.

We want something really really different, can be slow, can be fast. Just something different than what u might think the other band could be playing. Come out of your comfort zone and experience something new. =)

see the cab?that means...


lets play that again please.
and stuff around those lines.

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